Tuesday 18 July 2017

Weaning Time with Babease - Review and Giveaway

credit - Babease.co
I don't know how it happened but my squidgy little newborn baby turned into a gurgling, smiling 6 month old overnight! Well perhaps not overnight, but it certainly feels like it's gone that fast!

Erin has been showing lots of signs of being ready for weaning in the last couple of weeks - for instance I can't eat anything with her on my lap because she tries to make a grab for it!

I tried to remember what we did with Elliot in regards to weaning - he's a brilliant eater so I'm hopeful if we follow the same pattern, Erin will follow her big brother. With him we started off with a mixture of purees and abit of finger food and then went fully into baby led weaning. I know people have different ways and ideas of weaning, this worked for us so I'm going to be following the same route this time round too.

I'd love to say that I will be making all the purees from scratch but we all know that life is busy, and sometimes you need to pick up a ready made baby food pouch on the go. This is where Babease come in! They contacted me to see if Erin would like to test out their organic baby food and well...here we are now :)

Babease say that their food is for babies, not baby food and looking at the range of pouches available you'd definitely agree with this. Created by experts (including Mums!), the food focuses on vegetable based recipes and no fruit fillers. They promise:

- 100% Organic
- No added salt
- No added sugar
- Dairy-free
- Gluten-free
- Suitable for vegetarians

At Babease they understand how important it is for parents to know what goes into food so all ingredients are clearly listed alongside an informative ingredients wheel which shows an exact breakdown.

Credit - Babease.co
There are two stages of food to choose from - stage 1 is smoother and a perfect introduction to first flavours. Stage 2 has more texture and a wider range of ingredients to expand your baby's palate.

We started off with Sweet Potato & Pear with Coconut Water, Brown rice and Quinoa - what a fantastic combo. Erin made some pretty funny facial expressions but she was quite keen to get the food in her mouth! (But I'd forgotten how messy weaning is...!)

The lovely white Babease bib stayed clean for about 3 seconds!
This isn't milk!!?
I'm looking forward to testing out the other flavours over the next few days with Erin and I'm sure it won't be long before we can move into stage 2. I also plan on trying out some of the recipes on the Babease website - the savoury mini muffins sound perfect for lunchboxes!

The Babease pouches can be found in Tesco and Boots and here but if you'd like to get your hands on some for your little one to try, take a look at the Rafflecopter giveaway below...

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My Mollie is nearly 5 months she loves banana custard, fruity porridge and cauliflower broccoli cheese, she doesn't like the fruit purées, the faces she pulled when I tried her on them were funny, bless her xxx

  2. My son Ezekiel is 6 months old. He just started solids about 2 weeks ago, but so far his favorite is sweet potato :)

  3. Tortellini with spinach and ricotta

  4. Sweet potatoes, pasta, bananas and strawberries for my 20 month old bubba x

  5. my son loves anything!! his favourite has to be strawberries though - his face when he takes his first bite is the best!!!

  6. Cauliflower cheese is a firm favourite

  7. My baby Grace loves anything cheesy :)

  8. My little man loves sour green apples


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