January is normally cold, wet and a bit boring. Christmas has come and gone and those warm Summer months seem an age away! Inspired by Sabrina at
The Mummy Stylist who recently wrote about things she is looking forward to in 2017, I decided to do the same to ensure those January blues are well and truly chased away :)
1. New Baby!!
This of course has to be number one on the list, our lives are about to get turned upside down again! We are booked in for a c-section so I know we will definitely have the new arrival within two weeks - I think I'm ready now, my bags are packed, all her clothes are sorted and put away and the moses basket has been washed and aired, (Thanks Mum!). We just need to have a practise run with the putting the car seat in the car - it's been a few years, we're a bit rusty!
2. Greg Davies Tour
I love this man! I'm not usually one for live comedy shows but he's my favourite comedian and I couldn't not get tickets. I love all his shows he does on telly, he's hilarious and I can't wait to see what he talks about on his tour! (Just a pity I have to wait til Dec 2017.....months away!)
3. Justin's Party
Pic credit - Imagine Theatre |
This is more Elliot's thing than mine but we have tickets for Justin's live tour - front row tickets no less!
We saw Justin a couple of years ago and Elliot really enjoyed himself so I'm looking forward to taking him to this.
4. Sunshine
I do love the Winter but it gets to this time of year and I long for the hot Summer days where we don't have to drag coats and hats and boots out with us. I'm looking forward to spending lots of time outside this year and making the most of where we
5. Favourite shows returning for 2017
I hate that all our favourite TV shows stop over the Winter and I hate the cliffhangers that come with them! Ones I'm looking forward to returning are Designated Survivor, Game of Thrones and Walking Dead but I'm also pretty excited about 24:Legacy. Obviously I'll miss Jack Bauer but I just hope it's as gripping as the original series.
6. Singing in a choir
I know I always go on about choir but it really is one of the best things I've ever done! I joined
Just Sing in January 2014 and I have loved every minute so I'm really excited to see where this year takes us. I know we will be recording our very first professional CD in March so can't wait for that but I'm hoping we have lots more exciting performances lined up. Last year we got to sing with
G4 twice and I'm hoping they invite us back again :)
7. 40th Birthday Celebrations
Not for me I have to say, I have a few years to go yet! My husband turns 40 in October though and I'm really hoping he lets me throw a big party for him. I had a big 80's themed party for my 30th and everyone got dressed up so hopefully we can do something similar for him...any excuse for fancy dress ;)
8. New Beginnings at School
Big one for Elliot this year as he'll be off to big school in September for his first year in Reception. He really can't wait and in a way I can't either as I know he's more than ready but it still makes me a little sad that he's growing up so fast!
9. Fun Days Out
We love getting out and about but it's not quite as fun in the Winter and we haven't been to many local attractions recently. There's lots we want to do this year including a return visit to
Marwell Zoo, dinosaur hunting on the Isle of Wight, expanding our knowledge at the Natural History Museum in London and getting the most out of our National Trust passes.
Kingston Lacey, one of our favourite National Trust locations |
10. Getting Back to Normality...
Might sound like a funny thing to say with a new baby about to arrive but I'm looking forward to getting on with things, getting into a new routine and not being pregnant! I'm looking forward to going back to
Slimming World again - I've had to be quite strict over the last 3 months with what I eat and the
gestational diabetes and it will be good to have carbs again! I lost over 2 stone last year so I want to continue my good work and get into a healthier weight bracket.
I'm also looking forward to treating myself to some new clothes - my maternity outfits are literally falling apart at the seams so a shopping trip is very much needed once the baby is here!
What are you looking forward to this year?