Sunday, 9 August 2015

My Week in Pictures

We haven't had the busiest of weeks but we've been spending lots of time at home trying to get things sorted after our move. There are still boxes to unpack but I finally finished hanging our clothes up today - that was a thrilling job!!

So here's our week in pictures..

Top Row
- On Monday we finally got Elliot's playroom sorted and whilst he had his nap I managed to get all his toys in there and it was immaculate. Fast forward 10 minutes after he woke up and it's like this :)
- Just a snap of our new house, I cannot tell you how much I love having more room!
- Last night we let Elliot stay up late and we had our first bbq in the new pad. It was lovely sitting outside listening to the swallows fly above our heads. My husband hid a kinder egg in Elliot's playhouse, hence his excited face!

Middle Row
- Last Sunday was a scorcher of a day and we went along to the Great Dorset Chilli Festival - my husband bought Elliot a giant sombrero and Elliot was making us laugh by doing funny dances!
- My choir performed at a company's Summer party on Friday night in the New Forest and we saw a beautiful sunset on the way home

Bottom Row
- We don't normally buy ice-cream (I like it too much!!) but we picked this up as a little treat on Saturday night. OMG, possibly the nicest ice cream I have ever tasted!!!
- I tried to take a nice selfie of me and Elliot but the dinosaur got in the way!
- This pic made me laugh, fast asleep in the car but still holding his Longleat book! He's obsessed with Longleat Safari Park  and loves looking at the map in the book, he's forever asking when we're going back

So that's our week, mostly spent at home. Hoping to get out and about a bit more now we're getting settled in our new place!

Linking up with:

Mami 2 Five

1 comment:

  1. Moving can be so stressful, glad you had a little Ben and Jerry's treat! #MagicMoments


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