Friday 22 May 2015

Flying the Flag for Eurovision!

Ever since I can remember, my family and I always get together and watch Eurovision. My sisters and I are all living in our own houses now but we always try and make it back to my parent's for the Grand Final of Eurovision...and woe betide anyone who has made other plans! It's tradition that we have party snacks (sod the diet!), my sister Sarah brings her notebook to score the songs and sometimes we even watch it with the subtitles on so we can sing along.....please tell me we aren't the only family to do this?!!

My sisters even managed to get tickets for the Eurovision Song Contest's Greatest Hits concert, a special one off show to celebrate 60 years of Eurovision. Can you believe it's been going that long?!

Here's my sister getting ready for the 60th Anniversary Concert
My favourite part of Eurovision is not the singing, or the interval act (well, except when it was Riverdance - that was amazing!) but the results. I love seeing who votes for who and whether it will be a repeat of every single year when certain countries vote for their neighbours, irrelevant of how good the song is! My Voucher Codes have done some research into this and did you know that Luxembourg is our biggest fan? They have given us 123 points out of 20 voting occasions - who'd have thought it! You can find more Eurovision facts in this Express  article you didn't know that last year's winner Conchita Wurst was the only bearded musician to claim the Eurovision crown in the last decade!

The UK haven't won Eurovision since 1997 and sadly I think this year might be another flop. Our entry isn't great and combined with how the voting goes, I can't see it even getting into the top 10! I'll leave you with my top tip to win from Sweden - they certainly know how to have a winning entry!

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  1. I'm not a Eurovision fan, but dos enjoy watching Consuela! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  2. If you enjoy Eurovision that's great great post thanks for linking to the Binkylinky


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