Tuesday, 23 June 2015

10 Things I Never Expected To Do As A Mum

Before your kids come along, you have all these grand ideas of what kind of parent you'll be and what you'll get up to. Sadly, things don't normally happen as you imagined them! Here's a look at 10 things I never expected to do as a Mum...

  • Using the TV as a babysitter -  I never thought this would be me but sometimes it just has to be done. I'd never be able to have a shower or cook tea otherwise!
  • National Trust Membership - I always thought NT was for retired people who liked visiting gardens but this is our second year with a NT membership and we love it! There's so many lovely locations scattered across the UK and we love taking a picnic and exploring. NT seem to have had a bit of a makeover in recent years and I love how kid-friendly they are now.
  • Leaving the house with snot on your jumper - substitute snot for sick/milk/food/drool, it's amazing how messy one small person can be and there has been countless times where I've just wiped it down with a wet wipe and got on with my day!
  • Post countless baby photos on Facebook - I used to roll my eyes at parents doing this on Facebook and I vowed  to not be "one of those mums". Now? I'm totally one of those mums!! I love posting pics of Elliot on social media and it's a great way of sharing his life with family who we don't see very often. If people think it's boring then they know where the unfollow button is ;)
  • Talk about poo on Facebook - Following on from the above point, I didn't expect to be talking about poo so openly but sometimes, a toddler poo story is just too funny not to share!
  • Wear leggings , a lot - Prior to having a baby, the last time I wore leggings was probably 1992 but the first year of Elliot's life saw me wear leggings on a daily basis. Comfortable, and that elasticated waist was also good for all the cake I consumed in the early days!!
  • Gossip magazines - Never thought I'd stop buying Heat or Closer magazine but these days I'm more likely to pick up Bob the Builder weekly. It does mean my celebrity knowledge is a bit crap nowadays though - I can name every one of Peppa Pig's mates but ask me who's Number One in the charts and I'd struggle!
  • Bribery - I never thought I'd have to resort to bribery but sometimes the lure of a kinder egg is the only thing that works! "Swim on your back and we can visit the sweet shop" - <--true story after a particularly stressful swimming lesson!
  •  Go out in public with crazy hair and no make up - Pre-children my hair was always straightened, I always wore make up and I actually made an effort to look half decent. Nowadays, we have swimming on a Monday morning and I spend the rest of the day with a big frizzy curly mop and with no make up on. And I go out in public...and sometimes even meet friends - gasp! I'm sure my Mummy friends have seen worse than my bare face and actually, sometimes its quite nice to not have to spend ages straightening my hair!
  • Secret eating - Toddlers have amazing selective hearing, ask them to tidy their toys and funnily enough they don't hear you. Rustle a bag of sweets and they come running! Which is why sometimes its absolutely neccessary to hide in the kitchen and stuff a biscuit in before you're caught!
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MummascribblesA Cornish Mum


  1. We all start off with such good intentions. Then we learn how to survive! I'm off to have a look into the National Trust thing. :)

    1. The National Trust is great...and the locations often have great little cafes with nice cakes which is a bonus ;) x

  2. Ah, so my collection of 20 pairs of black leggings is perfectly normal?! Lol

    The pictures on facebook is the biggest thing for me, I think...my baby is so cute, I HAVE to share!!

    1. Totally Mo, you can never have enough leggings!! I actually sorted my wardrobe out yesterday and I wouldn't like to admit how many pairs I found stuffed in there...! xx

  3. This all sounds very familiar. The swimming one especially made me laugh as it's so true! #twinklytuesdays

  4. hehehe! I have done all of those and really never expected to....Leggings are just the best...hehehe x

  5. I am shamelessly covered in gunk. I don't even try and wipe it off, it's so futile x

  6. Thanks for linking up to #TenThings :) ha I don't have toddlers but I still have to do the secret eating in the kitchen thing, usually with my head in the cupboard - but they always catch me! Stevie xx

  7. Thanks for linking up to #TenThings :) ha I don't have toddlers but I still have to do the secret eating in the kitchen thing, usually with my head in the cupboard - but they always catch me! Stevie xx

  8. Thanks for linking up to #TenThings :) ha I don't have toddlers but I still have to do the secret eating in the kitchen thing, usually with my head in the cupboard - but they always catch me! Stevie xx

  9. I'm always secretly eating too lol.And my hair is invariably scraped back,extremely unflattering but some days I just don't care lol x #tenthings

  10. It's as though Picking Up Toys (above) wrote my comment for me! Always secret eating, my hair is always a scraped back mess. Also, seriously considered a National Trust subscription this month! �� xxx #TenThings love Noah & The Girls

    1. do it, you'll have so many lovely days out at National Trust properties! x

  11. Hehe secret eating, that's me! I hide in the kitchen hoping they can't hear! Yes I'm guilty of using the TV and bribery! X

  12. Agree, agree, agree! Leggings, out in public looking like a mess, crazy hair and no make-up. We are changed women! But we'll have plenty of time to look after ourselves when they've fled the nest and we can sit back and get the plastic surgery! #tenthings

  13. NT are really pushing the boat out with interesting stuff these days, aren't they? I don't have membership yet but planning to at some point - I'd never have considered it years ago, like you say, seemed like somewhere to go when you retired, LOL


  14. Haha some of these are so true. I'm the same I tie my hair in a pony for the school run haha

  15. I can so relate to the hair/make-up/clothes aspect of life with a toddler. Luckily as our son gets older I have a little more time to get myself sorted but sometimes I think I have got into a rut of not being particularly bothered some days! xx

  16. I think I can relater to all of these especially the national trust membership as ours is invaluable

  17. Haha it's true, what you think you'll be like and what you actually do are so different, for me it's the going out without makeup. Before Tyler, I would never go out without my face on and felt naked without black eyeliner - now it's fine to go barefaced. I never thought that I'd be like that! #TenThings Sabrina xx

    1. funny how things change isn't it! I wouldn't have dared go out in public with my crazy hair but now I'm like, whatever! x

  18. I so relate to all of this... except the appearance. Thanks to my daughters' commentary on my clothing, I think I may be more put together than I was before motherhood, although I constantly embarrass them with my attire. Thanks for linking with #TwinklyTuesday.

  19. I have done most of these especially the TV (didn't think that would be me either!), cbeebies magazines and going out without my face on! #TenThings xx

  20. hahah great post and so very true!! I have definitely done all 10 at some point! #TenThings

  21. Love this one! Not so into the Gossip mags but love the real life ones like Take A Break. I call them my "crappy magazines".


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