If you need to send someone a gift and are lost for ideas, then look no further than Serenata Flowers. Don't let the name fool you, they are much much more than just flowers! You can find all varieties of hampers including picnic hampers, baby hampers, beer & ale, champagne, fine food plus chocolates, wines, plants and of course flowers.
In the Flower section, if you're unsure of what to order then you can see what their best sellers are, or what the current florist choices are. You can even search under different Occasions which makes it a lot easier if you are looking for something specific such as a new baby or an anniversary.
The brilliant thing about Serenata Flowers is that you can order up to 10pm and still get next day delivery - very useful if you suddenly remember a birthday!
I am very happy to be bringing you this giveaway and you can win a gorgeous vased arrangement called Summer Sorbet, perfect for brightening up any room. We were sent these flowers too and I can confirm they are as lovely as they look in the photo! I love the sunflowers and the colours all go so well together.
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Summer Sorbet - Serenata Flowers |
Competition Time
If you would like to win the Summer Sorbet flowers, please see below:
Entry via Rafflecopter, UK only
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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I never receive flowers :(
ReplyDeletevery rarely
ReplyDeleteMy mum buys me a bunch every now and then, bless her. I usually have to buy my own though! x
ReplyDeleteOccasionally x
ReplyDeleteNot very often!
About once or twice a year. Hubby is very good at getting me a bunch of daffs when they first come into the shops as he knows I love those.
ReplyDeleteNot often enough !! Maybe twice a year
ReplyDeleteUsually 3-4 times a year :)
ReplyDeleteOnce or twice a year.
ReplyDeleteI try to get them for my wife randomly rather than special occasions to surprise her!
ReplyDeletei haven't had flowers since my eldest was born 9 years ago :( probably been bought flowers 4 times ever
ReplyDeletenot often
ReplyDeleteI've never received flowers!
ReplyDeletenever, not really a present for guys I guess
ReplyDeleteabout once a year!
ReplyDeleteTwice a year if I am lucky
ReplyDelete3 times in my life :)
ReplyDeleterarely, so rare when my partner buys me them I wonder what he has done!
ReplyDeleteBirthdays and Valentines.
ReplyDeleteOnce a year but from the supermarket, never delivered!
ReplyDeleteHardly ever but my daughter picks me a diasy everyday on the way home form school which is super cute! x
ReplyDeleteI've had them once, when I had my little girl x
ReplyDeleteNot nearly enough. Once every few years. Love flowers! Especially the scented ones.
ReplyDeleteOnce in a blue moon :(
ReplyDeleteI am sure it was valentines 2014! hubby forgot this year!
ReplyDeleteOccasionally on my birthday, I usually buy my own!
ReplyDeletesad to say but never :(
ReplyDeleteSadly never but would love some ❤️
ReplyDeleteNot very often at all, despite big hints :-)
ReplyDeleteNever, I'd actually be worried if hubby brought me some!
ReplyDeleteNever.... It would be lovely to receive some though!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't receive flowers very often, so winning this would be awesome as I love flowers sooo much! xx
ReplyDeleteErm never, woe is me :(
ReplyDeleterarely- but I love them
ReplyDeleteSometimes my daughter picks me some flowers
ReplyDeleteVery rarely :(
ReplyDeleteHadly ever, but I always like to buy them family and friends as gifts.
ReplyDeleteIts very rare that I get flowers :(
ReplyDeleteI don't lol x
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful sunflowers - stunning!
ReplyDeleteThanks for adding your Competition to this weeks Competition Linky at http://umeandthekids.com/
ReplyDeletePlease feel free to add our badge to your Competition page :)
I've never received a proper bouquet of flowers before.
ReplyDeleteI only tend to get flowers on Mothers Day.
ReplyDeleteonce a year (if i am lucky)
ReplyDeleteNever, so occasionally I buy myself some
ReplyDeleteNot very often, which is a shame, because I love having flowers in the house :)
ReplyDeleteSuper giveaway, thank you xx
Usually 3-4 times a year - leanne w
ReplyDeletenot often at all :(
ReplyDeleteNever, unless I buy my own (everyone say ahhhhh)
ReplyDeleteI've received flowers
ReplyDeleteOnly on my birthday. Otherwise, I have to buy my own.
ReplyDeleteSometimes as a thank you or for birthday s and occasions
ReplyDeleteI love flowers in the house and am happy to buy my own :)
The last time was when I had my youngest daughter which is 3 years ago
ReplyDeletein the entire 5 years I have been with my husband he has bought me flowers 3 times!
ReplyDeleteNot often enough!! My hubby rarely buys me flowers and when it does it's usually because I've given him a nudge ;-) I love them though.
ReplyDeleteAbout once every 5 years...
every couple of months or so! I love flowers :)
ReplyDeleteJust for special occassions
ReplyDeleteIt's been years!!
ReplyDeleteonce every couple of months :-)
ReplyDeleteHubby surprises me usually at least once a month
ReplyDeleteWhen I buy myself some along with the weekly shop... or when it's my birthday
ReplyDeleteOnce a Year for Valentines day :) x
ReplyDeleteIve only got them once :(
ReplyDeleteNot very often, maybe once a year at the most!
ReplyDeleteOnce in a blue moon
ReplyDeleteDepends on my mood. My husband bought me some yesterday
ReplyDeleteOn my birthday and for mothers day ... would be nice to get a surprise bunch once in a while =)
ReplyDeleteI tend to buy them for myself, but sometimes my husband gets them for me for special occasions.
ReplyDeleteNever at the moment!
ReplyDeleteSpecial occasions and the odd surprise from my partner, the last time was a few weeks ago for doing well in work.
ReplyDeleteNever :'(
ReplyDeleteI often buy them though
Not as often as i like, but I always treat myself to my favourite tulips in Spring x
ReplyDeleteevery so often
ReplyDeleteNot Often Enough! :P
ReplyDeleteOn special occasions!
ReplyDeleteHardly ever the last bunch the bf got me he got free at the Co-op as they were dead.
ReplyDeleteHubby bought me some sweet peas today 😊
ReplyDeleteOn my Birthday, Mother's Day and Christmas
ReplyDeleteNot often enough! - but hubby has been known to surprise me with some on the odd occasion :)
ReplyDeleteha never!
ReplyDeleteNowadays hardly ever but when I used to be on stage I'd receive them every so often. Now I have to buy them for myself:-(
ReplyDeleteI had some when my daughter was born, but I can't remember the last time before that. I do tell my husband not to buy me any as I prefer to get chocolate!
ReplyDeleteBirthdays if I am lucky
ReplyDeleterarely, I cant remember the last time at all.
ReplyDeleteJust occasionally.
ReplyDeleteVery rarely if I am lucky maybe once a year or two years :)
ReplyDeleteI never get flowers :-(
ReplyDeleteOn special occasions :-)
ReplyDeleteNot as often as I'd like!
ReplyDeleteonce a year if I am lucky x
ReplyDeleteMy husband buys flowers for me from time to time, he's very sweet like that!
ReplyDeleteVery rarely. x
ReplyDeleteI think last was about 5 years ago now :-(
ReplyDeleterarely - but need to give them more.
ReplyDeleteGosh, I can't remember! I think it was my neighbour who bought me a bunch after I'd looked after her house whilst she was away
ReplyDeletenot very often
ReplyDeleteA few times a year
ReplyDeleteNot at all, my boyfriend isn't that well trained yet :P
ReplyDeletegood one come to think of it never
ReplyDeleteNot often enough! I buy myself a small bunch fortnightly
ReplyDeleteAbout once a month, I have a lovely partner :)
ReplyDeleteOn the birth of our daughter 42 years ago and on my 60th birthday. So rarely at least I remember the 2 bouquets clearly :)
ReplyDeleteUsually on Mother's Day much to my dismay!
ReplyDeleteI've only ever been sent flowers once
ReplyDeleteVery rarely!
ReplyDeleteRarely which is a shame because I love them!
ReplyDeleteWhen its my birthday - oh and when I have a baby lol
ReplyDeletenot really but i love it when i do
ReplyDeleteNever! Even though i hint all the time!
ReplyDeleteI get some occasionally... but I love flowers - so I buy my own! They're beautiful :) I get it off my Mom I think, she always brought fresh flowers every week as part of her weekly shopping x
ReplyDeleteI think I have received flowers about 2 times in my life
ReplyDeleteMy husband is quite good actually. He buys me flowers at least once a month as he knows I like to have fresh flowers around the house :)
ReplyDeleteVery rare unless I buy them myself